Getting Started

Segura Talent Agency helps models and actors shine bright. When your submission is accepted we provide information on local and regional PAID castings. Grow your confidence and communication skills by becoming
a model/actor today!
Please email:
• Your complete contact information (full name, email address, mobile number)
• Height
• Shirt/Blouse Size
• Dress/Pant Size
• Shoe Size
• Any Previous Acting Experience
• Days/Hours of Availability
• Please attach recent photos/selfies with no filters.
Please email to
Thank you ! We look forward to working with you!
Be Prepared
One Head Shot with Editing

Having a professional edited commercial head shot, instead of a selfie, can dramatically increase your chances of landing your first modeling job. You’ll come into the studio and we’ll shoot images of you with cameras and lights positioned to highlight your best angle.
Small Portfolio with 3 Edited Images

This one hour photo shoot allows you to change into three outfits and hairstyle changes. Afterwards you’ll receive three edited commercial photos of you + all of the unedited RAW images for your personal files (generally 200 images).
Full Portfolio + Video

A full portfolio shoot includes a 2 hour photo shoot, unlimited looks and 6 edited images for your online portfolio. In addition, you’ll be photographed on a variety of different backdrops and city locations. We’ll also produce a video of you reading a real commercial script that we’ll place in your portfolio and youtube.
Acting Classes
Acting Classes

Commercials modeling is truly all “acting".
By enrolling in our acting classes, we’ll teach you the basics of slating, how to audition in front of a camera and reading a variety of scripts. We’ll produce an audition video for you at the end of the class session.